Friday, October 30, 2009

Sam Walton - creator of Wal-Mart

Sam Walton ...
The creator of Wal-Mart, smart businessman, strong man etc.
Sam was very hard worker. He always had new ideas. He naver give up. He belived in his business even when he was in " dead" and when everybody thought that he will loose his business. But he did not listen people. His business was growing very fast! He was the richest man in America. He alwyas made his prices lower. Always! That how he was making more money.
He done a lot things to grow his business. I think he was very wise man!
He died in April 2, 1992. He was 74 years old.
I learned from him few things. He was not greedy, he was hard worker, he was good husband, good father ( even he did not have much time for his family...) and kind man!

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