Friday, October 30, 2009

Sam Walton - creator of Wal-Mart

Sam Walton ...
The creator of Wal-Mart, smart businessman, strong man etc.
Sam was very hard worker. He always had new ideas. He naver give up. He belived in his business even when he was in " dead" and when everybody thought that he will loose his business. But he did not listen people. His business was growing very fast! He was the richest man in America. He alwyas made his prices lower. Always! That how he was making more money.
He done a lot things to grow his business. I think he was very wise man!
He died in April 2, 1992. He was 74 years old.
I learned from him few things. He was not greedy, he was hard worker, he was good husband, good father ( even he did not have much time for his family...) and kind man!

Sam Walton

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shark Tank " Stake Charm"

I like the Idea of "Grill Charms"!
First of all, the product is good. The price is reasonable only $19.95
The Shark Tank was really interested in this product. I think this product is different than others, because this the first time somebody made an idea like that! It is very smart product! Few of guys gave her an offer. But She end up with Adam Larkey. His offer was $ 50.000 for 25% of the company. I would give her the same offer. Also I think Adam L. is a good at business. And that what she hade in her mind - $ 50.000 for 25% .
I belive that this business will grow, because this product is really interesting, and good!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Atomic" Tea.

I think this Product is good! I believe so.
The offer which two people give to Dragon's Den end up differently.
Dragon's Den offer them few deals, but end up with $ 150.000 for 51% of the company.
I thought it was good deal. But brother and sister came back while later for another $ 120.000 to make Business better, because they went down with first offer...
So I believe that their business will grow.

And I wish them Good Luck!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Seth Godin on Sliced Bread

Remarkeble - Worth remarking something.

Safe is Risky
Fringe is where Action is
Design Rules now
Purple Cow
Very good is Boring.

When Sliced Bread was out in stores, nobody would buy it!
It took 15 years to finally start sell it!

Everything what Seth Godin said is trully Remarkeble!

                                     JUST LIKE PURPLE COW!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What are you Remarkable.

I think every person have a talent.
If every person would use their talents,it is all ready would be Remarkable!
When I look around this world, I see so many Remarkable things!Like: Selphones; TV; Computers; Skype; Google; Cars; Airplanes etc. I am amazaed!

What can I do Remarkable?... 
I always had a dream... I always wanted to help a people who is so Lonely....
Even in my school I see some kids who is Alone.. I feel very very sad for them... So if I could, I would like to help them somehow.
For example: I always thinking about some Kids of age from 11 to 16..I see confused kids in this age..Also people who just came out from prieson. For some of them they have to start new life! But some of them do not have anybody.. I feel sad..
So I would help them. For kids I would try to help emotionally by explanations. Find new friends, who maybe in same problem.
For priesoners I would try to get money and help them to find new Home, food, clothes, and Friends!

That is my dream.To make the World better!!! I think this world needs more Love, Care and Kindness. If every person would put theire heart into it, we all would see Remarkable Difference!!

Element Bars-Negotiation

1) Doesn't  give up.
2) Features and Benefits.
3) First person name a price losses.
4) Force others to make offer.
5) Meet in the middle.

I think The Element Bar Salesman made a good choice!
He knows that his product is good, and he is good at business.
So he did not give up on offers.
He got good deal!
Good for him!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mr.Tod's Pies.

Mr. Tod went with two people from Shark Tank.He offer 10 % for 480.000 $ 
But Mr. Tod end up with 50 % of the company for 450.000 $
We must be willing to give up control for the sake of the VISION.

I like Mr.Tods idea.He is very kind,wise man.
As we could see Shark Tank liked him too.
He is in good Business with Shark Tank because he is not greedy.

Of course he had to end up differently, but he is on the good road.
I wish him Goog Luck!

Wi Spots

Problem: No one to chalange the thinking of the enterprener ( put his family at risk)...
Solution: 1) Have a team advisors.
2) Have other finance the idea.

I think the Wi spots salesperson have good idea.But  he is at the big risk!
He risks his own family, his all money,and everything what he have...
But we have Self-phones, computers etc.

So I think you have to talk with wise people about it before you ask big money.
He ofering 1.2 mil. for 15% . Big money.
I feel badly for this men,but he have to take care about his family now.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What can I learn from Google?

I LIKE Google!I like there ideas to change world.I think they are doing really good job!
I learnd from Google company few things.First of all They are always FRESH! Second They are friendly! They keep there company buzy.Also what i really really like about them,that they are make people WILLING to go work!!!( i think it is very important.).There company growing by there strength,power willing make company bigger and stronger, by friendship, by new ideas and many many more things.

I think they will grow big,HUGE! By listening Google workers comments, i can see there "fire" make company grow, and to make the place friendly and Welcome place.
As we know, all world using the Google.They are very helpfull! People using there information every day, ALL THE TIME! I can see Google BIG.

Thursday, October 15, 2009